Saturday, January 19, 2013

Winter, Snow, Warm Sweater

(This sweater was hand-knit for me upon my graduation from high school by my Aunt Robin. It is put to good use here! Thank you very much.)

The Hermits

Germs spread with great speed here in the Joshua building.
Therefore, when one becomes ill, they are ushered to their rooms and only released into public when they are all better.
Thus, I-- and my roommate and half of the other Joshua girls-- have been absent from society for these last several days...

Friday, January 11, 2013

Theme Dinner: Cowboys (and Indians, too)

Oh, I do enjoy every opportunity for war-paint.

Me and Ji

with Alyssa, Kelsey, and Taryn

Little Indian and the Chief (Hannah)


An Anniversary of Acquaintanceship

A year ago this week was my first time at Hume (for a Joshua preview).
That is where I first met this bunch:

Shiloh, Sara, Stephen, and Tim were at the same preview. These are my classmates, who I didn't know would be my classmates at the time. We've been having a fun time of reminiscing.
We wrote about it on the Joshua blog, which you can check out here.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Strengths Finder 2.0

This is a test we took over Christmas Break. We discussed the results during our discussion time last week. Here is a summary of my “strengths”:

Empathy: I pick up on the feelings of others.
Consistency: I want things to be balanced and fair.
Developer: I see potential in others.
Responsibility: I am committed
Arranger: I like to plan, adjust, and organize.

One Down, One Fallen, and Other Things

Oh, my, the time. We have been back in Joshua for about a week now, and it may have been the most challenging thus far.

There have been a variety of things going on—the “Other Things” mentioned in the title. The transition back into Joshua. A big, successful New Year’s work weekend. Our test of Philippians 1-2. The book discussion. And a sort of unexpected slack in our collective attitude.

The “One Fallen”.
I fell at work last weekend. I was taking out the recycling and slipped on the ice. I fell off the loading dock. They thought I had broken my ribs. But I hadn’t. I hadn’t broken my ribs. I hadn’t fallen on my spine. I hadn’t hit my head. I am fine, outside of the massive pain on my side and the bruise I hope comes in soon. Oh—what a blessing—I am safe.
(And the kitchen staff made me gluten-free, “feel better” cookies!)

The “One Down”. We lost one last week. One of our Joshua boys—one of the “brothers”, they say—left on Wednesday. He decided that he was done… There is an open wound in our community. We are healing. We are healing together. Now there were fifty-five…

Trusting that these things will strength our community. Trusting that these things will work out for the good.