Post-It Notes

This page is an opportunity for you! It's purpose is for you to post your own messages to me. It may be similar to pinning notes on a bulletin board (except this is over the internet). I'm eager to see how this works and I look forward to the "Post-It"s I will receive from you!

(Be sure to use the Name/URL option of "Comment as", so you receive credit for your words and so I know who the note is from. You don't need to put a URL; your name will do just fine.)


  1. Bugs,

    You always make everything so easy . . . just as a perfect daughter should!

  2. Lainie,

    Dad beat me to this page. I thought I might be the first one.
    It is neat that you set this up for comments. I hope you get lots!

    Thanks for keeping us up to date with your blogs. I enjoy reading your posts and feeling connected to you - even though I am far away from you. Skyping with you is the BEST though.

    Love you,
    XOXO Mom

  3. Third one to write here! :) Have a blast this week on all of your fun adventures! I can't wait to Skype with you.

  4. Lainie,

    Wow! Brett sure must have had some cool experiences. I can only imagine what he has been able to see through his camera lense and scuba mask.

    I am glad that you are finding joy in the trivia of life, too.

    Love you!

  5. Lainie,

    This is a quote I sent your Mom and wanted to share it with you as well. You may already be familiar with it, but just in case...

    "A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ that a man should have to seek Him to find her." Max Lucado

  6. Lainie,

    I so enjoyed your poetic writing for your Hume Lake photo. I'm sure this blog entry will be relaxing for your readers. Many will wish they could personally experience the setting.

    Love you!

  7. I am glad you are sharing your experiences with us! I love reading your take on things, and getting a little peek into what life is like at JWI!

  8. Bugs,

    I really like the photos. I even see an artistic flare. The lumberjacks look like quite a crew. How fun that you included Mallory and shots of your room. It sure looks clean & tidy, so it must be fee-free. Way to go!

    It blesses me to read about God's provision in your life. He will always be there for you!

    Love you bunches! XOXO

  9. Hey sis! i love you so much! thanks for popping the head off of your cadaverous cactus.... was it an invigorating moment? love ya bunches!

    1. For those who are confused:
      I brought a small cactus with me to Joshua.
      It died.
      I sent a picture of it to Maddie.
      She liked it.
      I was sad.

  10. Lainie,
    Loved seeing the photos. It appears the protesting experience at NCCS has proven useful at JWI. You look amazing as a wildlife conservator - every guy's dream girl. Hey, this is the second pix I've seen of you with a mustache. You must really be missing your dad.
    Love you & miss you,
    XOXO Mom

  11. Hi Lainie - I just looked at your blog and it seems you're having an awesome time. I saw your Mom at church Sunday. You sure are missed. Praying for you this morning. I know the Lord has amazing things in store. Can't wait to hear more about your adventure. God bless you. Laura Fenstermacher

  12. Lainie,
    It was fun to see you trying your hand at writing Spanish. I couldn't read it, but it was sure impressive looking. The photos were great additions. I loved seeing your joyful smile and scenes from the ranch. I am so happy God blessed your time in Mexico and believe He will continue to bless you during the Thanksgiving break.
    Miss you bunches. Love you tons.
    XOXO Mom

  13. Lainie,

    So glad you got some pancakes! The pumpkin flavor must have been a new one for you.

    I did post to the page under Mallory's interview. Be sure to read it.

    Love you so much and miss you tons!

  14. AHHHHH! Can't wait to see you when you come back! Hurry up. :D

  15. Lainie,
    Thanks for sharing the pictures. It is great to see you and your classmates are having fun times.
    Love you bunches!
    XOXO Mom

  16. Lainie,
    How great to see your smiling face, the knee-deep snow, and you in your special sweater. Robin will be thrilled to see the photo and know you are enjoying the gift of her knitting. It is also a blessing to know you are out of "quarantine" if you are able to use the community computers to update your blog. God is so good! He will always take care of you, my girl.
    Love you bunches,

  17. His Grace, even in the small things, is still great grace.


  18. When your sissy comes to visit, regale her with track and field adventures. I sense she may need your special touch of encouragment to turn out rain, shine or hail.


  19. Lainie,

    I was moved as I read your blog. God is touching you in ways that are molding and growing you into the daughter HE so wants you to be! His blessings are upon you, my girl.

    As always, I loved seeing all the pix you included and the updates on your adventures. Your sister loved spending time with you and so wished it could have lasted longer.

    I'll be praying for your time in L.A. I know God will do a work in the heart of each JWI student and leader. What a week you will all have in Him!

    I love you and miss you!
    XOXO Mom

  20. Lainie,

    It is so fun to see/read your updated blog entries. Life has sure been full of adventures for you and your classmates. I'm really glad that you are having this Joshua experience. I know you are growing in so many ways.

    Love you lots,
    XOXO Mom

  21. Yes, Lainie, I did post comments. Check out recent blog entries. You can read me there!
    Hugs and kisses wrapped up in love,
