Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Israel: Pre-Adventure

"April 1: The trip has begun, I suppose. We are still in the United States, but are progressively making our way towards the airport. A small caravan departed from Hume Lake this morning. The rest will meet us at the airport tomorrow. It was a more leisurely drive today. I seem to be getting used to the road trip from Hume to LA, as we have driven it several times. And I am a littler eager to be a complete Joshua class once again. There is a certain comfort in community, and I have felt the lack of it..."
(The Israel trip came directly after Spring/Easter break. We had not seen each other for a week or so.)

In Bakersfield, CA.

by Alli

A Few Missed Things and the Time in Between.

Time is short, people.
There has been a seemingly ridiculous amount of things-- of the large and small varieties-- that have happened since I posted anything here. (And even more so since I wrote anything with... substance.)
I can try to explain my way through it. I could list several "whys" and "buts" and "because of"s. But they arent really relevant. They dont matter much to me, or I expect, to you either.
All that needs be said is that I havent shared in a while.
Id like to change that.
Starting with the next post, which is about our Joshua trip to Israel (from April).

Thank you for "following", or at least checking back in on this page.
I appreciate it. Very much.