Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Upcoming

"Lainie, what are you doing in the fall?"
In September I will head to Hume, CA to attend Joshua Wilderness Institute.
It is a 12-month missions internship and Bible college program. I will live on campus with 55 other students. During the school year I will take several classes and receive college credit through Moody Bible Institute. During the summer I will work at the main camp where youth summer camps are held. Throughout the year there will be many missions trips with plenty of hands-on learning and serving opportunities. (The three big ones are to Mexico, the Dominican Republic, and Israel!)
I am excited! It will certainly be a grand adventure!!
Check them out by clicking on the tab above, "Joshua Wilderness Institute".
(This will redirect you to their website.)

The View: Sierra Nevada Mountains

The Joshua Wilderness Institute
Photos by Dad

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