Friday, November 2, 2012

Theme Dinner: Harry Potter

How does one dress up when one has no concept of the theme? I have no knowledge of anything related to Harry Potter. So I called my sister. (I am assuming you know my sister, but let me tell you; she is stunning and creative and exceptionally talented.) With the new information she provided for me, I arrived appropriately dress for the evening. (I even earned 10 points for my team by "being so cute!") Following dinner we participated in several rounds of "Quidditch". My team made it to the final round, which was thrilling. The night was very enjoyable. I think I would have like it more if I had understood it...

Quidditch with Alyssa


  1. I'd have given you more points for being so cute! Glad you are having a great time!
    Love you bunches!

  2. Hi Lainie! This is David B from NCCS, just checking out your blog, and it seems you are having a lot of fun that is awesome. This Harry Potter post caught my eye because onece I dressed up as Harry Potter and I used to know everything aboout Harry Potter. But now, sadly I forget so much about the Harry Potter series but I do remember Quidditch, scary thought to be flying on a broom trying to score points, yikes I have a phobia of heights. Anyway, Im so glad you are having fun there and hey, when you return to Oregon let me know, I would like to catch up, It's been a while Lainie, I miss you so much!


  3. You should read the Harry Potter books if you have some free time. They are a really good series.
    -Nathan Hitoshi Yamase
