Monday, March 25, 2013

"Paul and Timothy" and Finals Week

My 100th post?! Isn't that exciting. That means there needs be some great-type of news to go on this great-type of post. (Good thing I have some!)

We all passed Philippians! 
All fifty-three Joshua students have successfully memorized the book of Philippians. Well done, I say.
(Now the test is not retaining the words, but applying what they say. Here we go, Team...)
Photo borrowed from the Joshua blog. Taken by Brett.

And we passed our other finals, too.
Specifically, we passed our Israel Prep final, which means we get to go on a field trip!...

PS. Did you know Joshua has a weekly podcast? I didn't. Until I was on it! Hear Chris and Sal and Lexi and I talk with Rich about finals week. Listen on iTunes: Joshua Wilderness Institute (Ep.14 Finals Week).

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