Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Three Weeks Time

Other things happened. Plenty of other things. Some have slipped my mind and will reoccur down the line. Others are still present in my memory, but are to be shared at another time...

Movie Night. The staff played for us "Les Mis". It was followed by a discussion on the law vs. grace (which has been a prominent theme throughout our year).
Yearbook. It has been made. (And will be distributed at graduation.)
"Night of Remembrance". The Pause Families gathered together to reflect on the memories of this year through songs and skits and videos. Much laughter. Some tears (but for me, those will come later).
Hartland. The last trip was to a smaller camp (also on the mountain). We had been there once before, earlier in the year. (See "We are 'The Lumberjacks'".) Comparing the first to the last, the "beginning" to the "end", was an excellent marker of our growth.
Moving Out. For these past nine months we have lived as "Joshua students" in the "Joshua lodge". For the next three months we will be living as "summer staffers" in Main Camp. The most prominent result of this move was the packing of all our "worldly possessions" that we had made our rooms "ours". But deeper, underlying, and less spoken of is the transition that will be happening within the program of "Joshua". The academic year is over. We have been overflowed with learning and have been poured into like a flood. "Drinking out of a fire hose", is what they said. And now, we go apply it. This is going to be a different type of grand adventure.

Move-In Day (September 2012)

Move-Out Day (May 2013)

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