Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Lainie is Still Here.

I am checking in.
Just for a moment.
To let you know that things are good.

Summer has just a few weeks left.
(Three and a half, about.)
I am learning new things.
(Like the science of milkshakes.)
And I am re-learning things.
(Applying "Joshua" to the almost-real world.)
I am meeting new people.
(Lots of them. Lots of neat ones!)
I am eating and sleeping and working and smiling and playing kickball and taking walks and crying and
praising the LORD that HE has been so, so very good to me.
(It took me a longer while to see it.)

All that to say, things are very busy.
And things are very good.
I am glad that I am here.
And I would like to share that with you.