Monday, December 2, 2013

Israel: Day 1, Kiriat Jearim

There is a college campus here (Masters/ Ibex) that recreated locations that would have been common in Israel during the B.C. (There was a tomb and an olive press and a vineyard and such things.)

At every location we visited, our group (of 70 or so) would gather and be told the historical reference of what we were looking at. (Or rather, we were reminded. Because as Joshua students, we had already studied the historical context of these locations. Visiting Israel was a "field trip". This was hands on learning.)

Rich, the Director of Joshua, is in the center.


from inside the tomb
(Tim, Jenae, Alli)

On the hill in the background was a small house. In this house was the Ark of the Covenant, which represented and "held" the presence of GOD. The Ark stayed in that house for twenty years. (Biblical reference: 1 Samuel 4-7.) It's a pretty neat story. I hadnt heard it before. Check it out.

Rich. Wine Press.

"All the Single Ladies!" Culturally, the young ladies of a town would come to the wine press and stomp the grapes, while all the young men would look on and take note of who was eligible.

with Kelsey

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