Monday, July 30, 2012

Summer Olympics

The Olympics are here! Are you following them? Team Phelps or Team Lochte? The women's gymnastics team? Missy Franklin? Dana Vollmer? Misty May and Kerri Walsh? I am anticipating the track events... So much talent! London 2012!
(I don't think I've watched this much television since... well, since the last Olympics.)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A Movie Reference

"UP"; the adorable Disney-Pixar movie about the adventures of an elderly man, a young wilderness explorer, and a flying house. I have yet to view the whole film, but one piece I remember is about the talking dog and "the cone of shame". My dog now has a cone of shame (following tail surgery).

Monday, July 23, 2012

Sunday, July 15, 2012

A Fun Find

My sister found a pair of Birkenstock shoes in her closest. With a few extra holes, they fit me fabulously. I am excited. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A Comment about Commenting

Want to comment? Go for it!
At the bottom of each post is an opportunity for you to add your thoughts by clicking on "comments".
This will open a space for you to type. 
There is also the "Comment as" option.
I would suggest using the "Name/URL" choice.
(You don't need to put a URL, but please put your name!)
I'm excited to read your thoughts.
(On the blog, I mean. I can't read your mind.)

Monday, July 9, 2012

A Sample

I tried sunflower milk today.
It tastes earthy.
(Maddie's reaction was "Wow! ...Hmm.")
The continuing adventures of a gluten-free-almost-vegan.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

A Music Note

This is what I've been listening to:
"Little Talks" by Of Monsters and Men
( )

I like the acoustic, "indie" sound; that it's just the instruments and vocals and nothing has been digitally revised. It is still "raw" and I find that wonderful.
Also, this band is from Iceland, which I think is pretty neat on its own.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Recently Employed

If you happen to be in downtown OC on a given afternoon and happen to walk into the small market on the corner of 14th and Washington, what do you think you might find? Between all the fresh fruits and vegetables, you would find... me! I am the newest employee at Spicer Brothers Produce!

(PS. This is dad)
Photos by Mom