Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A Comment about Commenting

Want to comment? Go for it!
At the bottom of each post is an opportunity for you to add your thoughts by clicking on "comments".
This will open a space for you to type. 
There is also the "Comment as" option.
I would suggest using the "Name/URL" choice.
(You don't need to put a URL, but please put your name!)
I'm excited to read your thoughts.
(On the blog, I mean. I can't read your mind.)


  1. See! You can do it like this!

  2. Hey Ford! Nice Blog. :D I'm excited to follow you on your adventures. ;)

    BTW I can't see your pictures. All that comes up is a white and grey circle with a white rectangle through the center and black surrounding it. *Lengthy description of the day =P*

    1. Well, thank you!
      Also, I think I resolved the photo issue.
      Check back now and see if you can see them!
