Sunday, September 16, 2012

An Overview

Things are uncomfortable. I’m in a new place. I’m still meeting all of my classmates. I’m learning about the structure and the culture of JWI. I’m finding my way around campus. I don’t know what’s going on sometimes. It’s all kind of awkward. And I love it. Being out of my comfort zone, being somewhere where most people don’t know my name, exploring and learning- these are things that, for the most part, didn’t happen back home. This is all new. It feels refreshing. Even relieving. Unconstricting. It’s probably similar to a baby giraffe learning how to gallop; gangly and odd and uncoordinated. But it is so good. Yes, I like it here. I like it here quite a lot.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha, I love the giraffe reference. =P I'm glad to hear that you are having a good time and that God is helping you to stretch and grow in new environments. :)

    Keep in touch!
