Saturday, December 1, 2012

Q&A with My Roomie

It has been said that the key of Joshua is the community. So, to get a clearer view of what I’ve got going on here, you should know a little bit about the group of people I am with for this year. More specifically, you should know a little more about the person I am living with. The following is an interview with my roommate.

ME: What is your name?
MALLORY: Mallory Kate Ortmann

Where is home? What is it like?
I live currently in Walnut Creek, CA; forty-five minutes from San Francisco. It’s cozy… And there’s good food everywhere.

When did you graduate from high school?

How did you get to Joshua?
I have an older sister who did the program. Ever since I saw how God changed her life I wanted to go. I went back and forth a little bit in high school, but I told God if I got in this is where I’d go, and I got it…

What new things have you learned/ done since Joshua?
I have learned patience. Lots of patience. I’ve learned the peace God brings when you actually spend time with Him, rather than go-go-go. Taking the time. And new things? I put water in my ears. Ice water. It throws off your equilibrium. I’ve read. I’ve worked with a wood-chipper. Haven’t done that before. Also, I drove a truck—write that one. Oh! And I’ve discovered double-dairy; milk and ice cream together! Best thing ever.

What is your favorite breakfast food?
I really like baked oatmeal. (It’s delicious.) But if I could have anything in the world, it would be Swedish pancakes with lingberry sauce and cream.

If your house was burning and you had sixty seconds, what would you grab?
If my family is outside and safe, I’d grab my cats and dog. (Their names are Snappy, Levi, and Cali.)

What inspires you?
Art inspires me. People who are real; authentic genuine people. People who put others first. My dad inspires me. He is the most humble person I have ever met. I love my dad.

Do you have any hidden talents?
I can play piano. (Yes, she can!) I’m good at chess. If I was in the wilderness, I could survive… I could totally survive.

Do you have anything else to share?
My favorite color is gray. I love tea. I’m (originally) from Minnesota and I lived in the middle of nowhere. That’s all. And I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. Still working on that one.

1 comment:

  1. Lainie,

    What a great idea to share about Mallory! It was a joy for me to get to know more about her. I'm sure she is a blessing to you. I know I am thankful to God for bringing her into your life.

    Love you bunches!
