Sunday, February 24, 2013

Two Weeks of Overflowing Things

February has been difficult. I believe it is intended to be so. I do not particularly care to elaborate …But we have nearly made it. Here are some key things that have happened in this second month of the new year:

Valentine’s Day. We—the Girl’s Community—were escorted to breakfast by our Boy’s Community, who were all dressed up in their formal-wear. They had made us breakfast. And they served us. And they sang us a song. (And they sang Lexi a song, because it was her birthday.) I appreciate our Joshua Gentlemen. They are so thoughtful and care-full toward us. They made us feel like Ladies.

I received my summer staff position! I will be working in the “Ark” (sports gym/ roller rink/ hang-out location for the Junior High camp). I will be in charge of the snack shop. So if you happen to be at Hume Lake over the summer, come visit me and I can make you a milkshake!
(Side commentary: A shout-out to Canby New Life and Camp Crestview. After all those “Adopt-a-Day”s working in the Candy Cabin, I am exceptionally confident in my skills! Isn’t that funny how things worked out?!)

Minus two. We have lost two more Joshua students. One by choice. One by dismissal. (I could phrase that differently. I think that both were by choice. One was conscious—a deliberate decision and a personal choice. The other was a subconscious choice—a choice to not strive for potential.)  Either way, our community is bruised. There are now 53…

1 comment:

  1. The photo sure brings back memories of Camp Crestview. You will do well as queen of the snack shack. I'm sure you will be a blessing to all who visit there.

    I trust God will be working in the lives of those who left JWI and those still in attendance. He challenges each of us in different ways to help us grow in Him.

    I love you, Lainie!
