Sunday, March 17, 2013

Theme Dinner: Purim + Passover

Purim: a Jewish holiday celebrated on Adar 14, in February or March to commemorate the deliverance of the Jews from the massacre planned for them by Haman (see Esther 9)

The ladies dressed up as princesses.
The gentlemen dressed up however they desired.
And we had a party.
Rapunzel and the Paper Bag Princess
The Paper Bag Princess and Princess Buttercup (and Westley)
"As you wish..." -The Princess Bride

Wilderness Princesses

Passover (also "The Feast of Unleavened Bread"): an eight-day Jewish festival beginningon Nisan 15 and celebrated in commemoration of the passing over or sparing of the Israelites in Egypt,when God smote the firstborn of the Egyptians (see Exodus 12)
Rich (our director) walked us through a condensed version of a Passover Seder (as the holiday is quickly approaching). It was incredible to learn about the symbolism—for those who celebrated thousands of years ago (at the first Passover meal in Egypt, and then in Israel at “The Lord’s Supper”) and for those who will be celebrating this year. I greatly enjoyed myself and certainly have a growing appreciation for historical Jewish culture.  

special thanks to

1 comment:

  1. You are a beautiful, radiant, and happy princess!
