Monday, May 13, 2013

A Quick Note of Joshua and Weeks and Moving Out and Visiting Home

It's been just a little while.
Since my last post, that is.
In view of days, not so much.
But in view of experiences and life lived and-- adventures...

I would like to collaborate my thoughts.
(Which may or may not happen as I imagine.)
Then I would share them with you here.
Or tell you when I see you.
Summer break (and a trip to Oregon) is May 13-23.

1 comment:

  1. Wowo, congratulations on the plethora of life experiences/adventures you've accumulated at Joshua Lainie! I haven't viewed this blog in a while, so a lot is new for me at this point. I don't recall anything regarding your trip to Israel, but that's awesome to hear (read actually). That was quite the experience I'm sure! Id love to hear about it, It's unfortunate that you are leaving in two days, I just looked and thought "oh she came back and is leaving on the 23rd! Too soon!" There is probably a lot to tell and I am intrigued as to your stories and learning at Joshua and wherever else you have had the privilege to go and grow.It has been a long time buddy! Whenever you return to Oregon and are available Id like to get together and catch up, coffee perhaps, ha!

    I wish you only the best on your future endeavors, I plan to stay tuned to this blog more often.

    -Sincerely David B
