Saturday, January 11, 2014

Israel: Day 2, Wilderness of Zin

At the top of the cliff was desert, desert, desert... 
For certain, "as far as the eye could see".
This is where the Israelites wandered for forty years and learned to trust the LORD for everything. Absolutely everything. 
(Biblical reference: Numbers 32:13
(And, fun fact, it would only take approximately two weeks to walk across this desert...)

Here, Rich told us the buses would come for us. But they didnt. "Well, we need to start walking..." So Rich, like Moses, lead us through the wilderness. We spent half-an-hour or so of what seemed to be aimless wandering. Just like the Israelites! 
(But we, unlike the Israelites, didnt complain. We trusted Rich and where he was taking us. Granted, we were there for 1/700800 of the time they were...)

This was among my favorite times of the trip. It was impacting. (Also, just really neat.)

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