Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday, Monday

Do you know what Monday means?
Wilderness Adventure Day!

This was established last week by a certain group of Joshua students. 
(Each week needs some nature exploration, right?)

I joined the troop today.
Amidst the cold and wet (and snow?), we picked a direction and marched into the wilderness. We hiked until we reached a big stump. Then we came back. 
It was quiet a wilderness adventure.

(What did I think? It was a challenge. And I made it.)

PS. Dear Dad, I began this venture fully prepared. I wore my snow clothes and carried the red backpack full of supplies. I was ready for a variety of wilderness scenarios. You equipped me well.

1 comment:

  1. Bugs, thank you for appeasing your dad by carrying the survival backpack. One day you will need it and will be glad you have it. I'll let Bear Grylls know that you are making progress.
