Sunday, October 14, 2012

We are "The Lumberjacks"

Last week we ventured to our first “class field trip” of sorts. (It was technically our second. Wildwood would be considered the first. However, Wildwood was a surprise.) It was our first service-based trip. Hartland was the destination. (It is a smaller camp on the other side of the mountain.) We went with the purpose of serving; mainly in the form of campus maintenance.
I was with the team assigned to the Wood Pit. This is where the lumber from the forest became the firewood for the winter. Our tasks included chain-sawing, wood-splitting, and firewood stacking. Due to our job-description, as well as the fact most of our team wore flannel shirts (and one of our guys had a beard), we titled ourselves “The Lumberjacks”. 
(My job was on the wood-splitter. It is the largest piece of machinery I’ve used! Exciting, dangerous, repetitive.)                                           
Our time in the Wood Pit was successful. We could see our progress and the direct impact of our work. The staff there was so thankful for our volunteering. Overall, Hartland was a fantastic time to practice both teamwork and servant leadership.                        

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