Thursday, August 23, 2012

An Explanation

Who? What? When? Where? How? Why?
The standard six questions.
I have yet to answer all of them on this blog as they relate to my nearing future.
I will answer them now.

Who: Me. Lainie.
What: The Joshua Wilderness Institute (A missions internship/ Bible college program.)
When: September 2012 - August 2013
Where: Hume, California
How (I heard about it): My dad's co-workers son. He graduated from JWI a few years ago. I asked him about it/ his experience and he shared with me. That is where I first heard of the program.
Why: My interest wasn't in "going to college" right after I graduated from high school. I have been filled with fifteen years-worth of education and I want to apply it. College is still a very realistic plan; an opportunity for me to continue my learning and expand my knowledge. But that will be for my later future.
It came down to this: I want to go do something. I want to go do something now.
So I began to explore my options. There is a surprising and growing number of "gap year" programs encouraging newly-high-school-graduates to spend a year doing something. Traveling, volunteering, serving. It was during this time that I talked to Eric (see "How") and the Joshua Wilderness Institute was added to the list of options which I was exploring.
I put in my application. In January I went to a preview held for potential incoming-students. There, I had my interview. I got a view of the campus and the classes and the community and the life at the Joshua Wilderness Institute.
It was overwhelming.
I came home and put the idea of Joshua to the side. I had done what I had to do. If Joshua was where I needed to be, then that was where I would be. It was simple. And I was trusting.
So I proceeded in the stressful pattern of life that is common to a graduating senior. I continued to investigate future opportunities; still unable to answer the what-are-your-plans-after-high-school question when asked by others, and still unable to answer it when asked by myself.
Then in April, I received the email.
"Dear Elaina, Congratulations!!! After prayerful consideration and review of your application we are excited to extend an offer of admissions into the Joshua Wilderness Institute for the 2012-2013 program year. ..."
And that was it.

Who? What? When? Where? How? Why?
The standard six questions.
Now all answered.

1 comment:

  1. Good to have your sister TRACKIN@NCC. Muchacha plans to work at the hurle events and the hj.

