Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I am the CEO

A game of sorts was created at Spicer Brothers.
It has been played over the last month during lulls within the work day.
And I just won!
Allow me to briefly explain:

Forrest (a fellow college-age worker) created "The Upper Management", where he is the boss of a figurative company and we are his employees. As employees, we must do things to impress the boss in hopes of moving up the made-up corporate ladder. I have been a diligent participant in this game and have had a wonderfully successful career.
Today, I was promoted. I am now the CEO of "Upper Management".
Forrest stepped down from his position and gave me his office, which is on the top floor of the imaginary company building. 

I am so excited. I cheered and put both hands in the air!
At the end of the week, I will retire from this fictional company.
But until then, I will thoroughly enjoy my position as Boss Lady.

1 comment:

  1. I always knew you were the management type! I'm glad that your last week of work was so much fun. :)
