Saturday, November 24, 2012

Down by the Bay

We spent the day in San Francicso.
Golden Gate Bridge was the highlight tourist stop.
The weather was great. A neat experience, overall.
A check-off on the "Places to See in Real Life" list!

Me and Mallory (and sisters)
Little Sister, Big Sister

The Ortmann Family

A Change in Season, A Change in Style

Friday, November 23, 2012

Reason to be Thank-full #1

I am thankful to be a piece of the Joshua Wilderness Institute.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Tis the Season

Thanksgiving is quickly approaching (tomorrow!).
I will be celebrating in the Bay area with Mallory (my roomie).
We are enjoying the break together.
We are also enjoying the seasonal beverages (and red cups) at Starbucks.

Blessing of the Day: "Hey, Mallory!" called her former pastor upon our entrance to Starbucks. "Let me buy you guys some coffee." Thank you very much.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Additional: Mexico

I'm not exactly sure who took this photo, but it was sent to my mom, who sent it to me. 

This entry is for additional links from the Mexico trip:

Rancho Sordo Mudo ( )

Photos: Mexico

Road Trip: Southern California

Road Trip: Across the Boarder (with Jenae)
Racing Warriors (Me and Alli)

Day Trip: Ensenada

Above the Ranch: Snoopy Rock

Above the Ranch

Above the Ranch: Look out below

In the Orchard

A Slice of Sunshine


South of the Boarder - !Viva Mexico!

Fun Fact about Lainie: I greatly enjoy Spanish. 
My desire to speak it was revived during our most recent Joshua trip. 
Therefore, the following entry is in Spanish (as best I know how)! 

A todas las personas quien leen que escribo:
Durante la semana pasada, mi clase fue a el primero viaje internacional. !Baja, Mexico!
Nosotros servimos al Rancho Sordo Mudo, un lugar para los estudiantes sin escuchar.
Nosotros usamos la idioma de signas para "hablar" con los chicos. Habia dos barreras del idioma (espanol y signas), pero aprendimos que el amor no necessitan las palabras.

Unas "reflejos" del tiempo ahi:
    Recibi un "nombre de signas".
    Yo trabaje en el clase por las dias.
    Camine en una carrera 5K para formentar la autoestima en las muchachas. (!Habia un lodo de pozo!)
   Vimos el principo de el "Baja 1000" (una carrera de los motor-vehiculos a todo la peninsula de Baja). !Que divertido!
    Las vistas de las mananas eran el mejor hermosa.

De todo, era un buen tiempo para mi clase.
Invertimos en las vidas de los chicos a el Rancho, y eso era la cosa importante.
Era un tiempo de aprendimos; un tiempo de vista nueva. Yo aprendi cosas nuevas de mi. Y me acorde que me encanta Mexico.

And also...
To all the people who read what I write:
During the last week, my class went on the first international trip. Baja, Mexico!
We served at Rancho Sordo Mudo, a place for deaf students.
We used sign language to "talk" with the children. There were two language barriers (Spanish and sign), but we learned that love needs no words.

Some "highlights" of the time there:
    I received a "sign name".
    I worked in the classroom during the days.
    I walked in a 5K race to encourage self-esteem among the teenage girls. (There was a mud pit!)
    We saw the beginning of the "Baja 1000" (a motor-vehicle race down the whole Baja Peninisula). Very neat!
    The view each morning was the most beautiful.

Overall, it was a good time for my class.
We invested in the lives of the children at the Ranch, and that was the key.
It was a time of learning for us; a time of a new perspective. I learned new things about myself. And I remembered that I love Mexico.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

For Fun

Warm inside with Kelly and Shiloh.

Photos taken by Lauryn

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

The decorations came out this week! We have assembled the building to look festive and ready for the coming Christmas season. (“But it’s not even Thanksgiving yet,” you say. Yes, that is true…) When we return to the building after the upcoming break, we will get a Christmas tree. (A real tree!)

Interesting Fact #1: My family has a fake tree. We have always had a fake tree. (You can ask my mom about it sometime.)

Interesting Fact #2: You are not allowed to hike into the woods and chop your own Christmas tree here (because we are in a national park forest). It is against the law. “You crazy Oregonians,” they said when Alli and I suggested taking a fieldtrip to find the perfect one.

We have also begun using the fireplace in the Great Room. It makes it cozy.

Additionally, upon waking up yesterday morning, I noticed that our “yard” was white. Friday the 9th marked the first real day of snow (as opposed to the snow day mentioned in “Sunny with a Chance of Snowfall”).  I wore my red winter scarf (a gift from my sister) and went on a walk through the snow. It was very enjoyable.

I think this whole season is going to be very exciting. Yes, it is beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

Decorating with Micaela

The View from my Window (Good morning!)

At the Lake

Last Week's Speaker, This Week's Ponderings

Lem Usita

This is Lem. He was our speaker for the last week. He was very engaging and started each discussion with two things. First, we would all take off our shoes (as part of his Hawaiian culture). Then he would pull out his ukulele and play songs for us. After that we would start on the topics for the night.

The overarching discussion was on “cultural programming”. (Why we are the way we are because of where we are. Basically, how we interpret and react to things based on the influence of our culture.) It was fascinating. Since our discussions I have become more aware of my responses to situations and realizing the impact my culture (in the US, in Portland, in church and school and family, and now here at Joshua) has had on my reactions. It is very interesting, indeed.

Philippians and the Wilderness Adventure

We finished Philippians 1! (Every student who graduates from the Joshua Wilderness Institute has memorized the book of Philippians. We completed chapter one earlier this week. Putting the words in our heads, applying them in our hearts.)

In semi-celebration of passing, and simply as a fun outing, some of the Joshua gals went on a nature hike. We stopped at several neat locations in the woods, including the Wagon Train tree fortress (as previously mentioned in “Lainie’s Mom” on the JWI blog), the Hermit’s Cave, and the water-source (a small waterfall that flows into Hume Lake). It was quite a fine afternoon.

Me and Alli ( The Oregonians in our "natural habitat".)

A Snack

Gluten-free, dairy-free. I had nearly forgotten what an “Oreo” type cookie tasted like. This was pretty close. Alli and Heidi and I at all of them. With peanut butter (like in “The Parent Trap”).


Photo taken by Miss Shiloh Litonjua

Friday, November 2, 2012

Theme Dinner: Harry Potter

How does one dress up when one has no concept of the theme? I have no knowledge of anything related to Harry Potter. So I called my sister. (I am assuming you know my sister, but let me tell you; she is stunning and creative and exceptionally talented.) With the new information she provided for me, I arrived appropriately dress for the evening. (I even earned 10 points for my team by "being so cute!") Following dinner we participated in several rounds of "Quidditch". My team made it to the final round, which was thrilling. The night was very enjoyable. I think I would have like it more if I had understood it...

Quidditch with Alyssa

Spirit Week

Last week marked the third consecutive week inside the Joshua building. We've got to keep things spontaneous and exciting! Thus were instigated theme days:

Mustache Monday: Me and Mallory

Twinsy Tuesday: Match with your Roomie

Wild Life Wednesday: "Wild Life Protection Activist"

Thrifty Thursday: All items second-hand

No Picture Available
Flag Friday

Photos taken by fellow Joshua ladies