Saturday, November 10, 2012

Philippians and the Wilderness Adventure

We finished Philippians 1! (Every student who graduates from the Joshua Wilderness Institute has memorized the book of Philippians. We completed chapter one earlier this week. Putting the words in our heads, applying them in our hearts.)

In semi-celebration of passing, and simply as a fun outing, some of the Joshua gals went on a nature hike. We stopped at several neat locations in the woods, including the Wagon Train tree fortress (as previously mentioned in “Lainie’s Mom” on the JWI blog), the Hermit’s Cave, and the water-source (a small waterfall that flows into Hume Lake). It was quite a fine afternoon.

Me and Alli ( The Oregonians in our "natural habitat".)


  1. Lainie,

    You and Alli make the cutest tree huggers!

    Hugs and kisses,

  2. So cool, Lainie!

    PS- Check your email.

    Shaina <3

  3. Those are some awesome pictures, lainie!
    -Nathan Hitoshi Yamase
