Saturday, November 10, 2012

Last Week's Speaker, This Week's Ponderings

Lem Usita

This is Lem. He was our speaker for the last week. He was very engaging and started each discussion with two things. First, we would all take off our shoes (as part of his Hawaiian culture). Then he would pull out his ukulele and play songs for us. After that we would start on the topics for the night.

The overarching discussion was on “cultural programming”. (Why we are the way we are because of where we are. Basically, how we interpret and react to things based on the influence of our culture.) It was fascinating. Since our discussions I have become more aware of my responses to situations and realizing the impact my culture (in the US, in Portland, in church and school and family, and now here at Joshua) has had on my reactions. It is very interesting, indeed.

1 comment:

  1. AWESOME! If you ever see him again you should say "Howzit Brah? Are the Howlies getting to you?" and if he asks about what you have been doing just say "da kind"
    -Nathan Hitoshi Yamase
