Tuesday, November 20, 2012

South of the Boarder - !Viva Mexico!

Fun Fact about Lainie: I greatly enjoy Spanish. 
My desire to speak it was revived during our most recent Joshua trip. 
Therefore, the following entry is in Spanish (as best I know how)! 

A todas las personas quien leen que escribo:
Durante la semana pasada, mi clase fue a el primero viaje internacional. !Baja, Mexico!
Nosotros servimos al Rancho Sordo Mudo, un lugar para los estudiantes sin escuchar.
Nosotros usamos la idioma de signas para "hablar" con los chicos. Habia dos barreras del idioma (espanol y signas), pero aprendimos que el amor no necessitan las palabras.

Unas "reflejos" del tiempo ahi:
    Recibi un "nombre de signas".
    Yo trabaje en el clase por las dias.
    Camine en una carrera 5K para formentar la autoestima en las muchachas. (!Habia un lodo de pozo!)
   Vimos el principo de el "Baja 1000" (una carrera de los motor-vehiculos a todo la peninsula de Baja). !Que divertido!
    Las vistas de las mananas eran el mejor hermosa.

De todo, era un buen tiempo para mi clase.
Invertimos en las vidas de los chicos a el Rancho, y eso era la cosa importante.
Era un tiempo de aprendimos; un tiempo de vista nueva. Yo aprendi cosas nuevas de mi. Y me acorde que me encanta Mexico.

And also...
To all the people who read what I write:
During the last week, my class went on the first international trip. Baja, Mexico!
We served at Rancho Sordo Mudo, a place for deaf students.
We used sign language to "talk" with the children. There were two language barriers (Spanish and sign), but we learned that love needs no words.

Some "highlights" of the time there:
    I received a "sign name".
    I worked in the classroom during the days.
    I walked in a 5K race to encourage self-esteem among the teenage girls. (There was a mud pit!)
    We saw the beginning of the "Baja 1000" (a motor-vehicle race down the whole Baja Peninisula). Very neat!
    The view each morning was the most beautiful.

Overall, it was a good time for my class.
We invested in the lives of the children at the Ranch, and that was the key.
It was a time of learning for us; a time of a new perspective. I learned new things about myself. And I remembered that I love Mexico.

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