Saturday, November 10, 2012

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

The decorations came out this week! We have assembled the building to look festive and ready for the coming Christmas season. (“But it’s not even Thanksgiving yet,” you say. Yes, that is true…) When we return to the building after the upcoming break, we will get a Christmas tree. (A real tree!)

Interesting Fact #1: My family has a fake tree. We have always had a fake tree. (You can ask my mom about it sometime.)

Interesting Fact #2: You are not allowed to hike into the woods and chop your own Christmas tree here (because we are in a national park forest). It is against the law. “You crazy Oregonians,” they said when Alli and I suggested taking a fieldtrip to find the perfect one.

We have also begun using the fireplace in the Great Room. It makes it cozy.

Additionally, upon waking up yesterday morning, I noticed that our “yard” was white. Friday the 9th marked the first real day of snow (as opposed to the snow day mentioned in “Sunny with a Chance of Snowfall”).  I wore my red winter scarf (a gift from my sister) and went on a walk through the snow. It was very enjoyable.

I think this whole season is going to be very exciting. Yes, it is beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

Decorating with Micaela

The View from my Window (Good morning!)

At the Lake


  1. Lainie,

    Wow! Love the snow! It looks like there is enough there to cause school to be cancelled in Oregon! I can only imagine what "North Pole, Kelly" thinks of the Hume snow. I am sure she is use to loads of it!

    I am happy you will have snow for Christmas. We will be singing the "White Christmas" and "Let it Snow" songs here. Maybe you could send some special snow prayers north for us.

    Love you and miss you,
    XOXO Mom

  2. SNOW! I wish i was there. I am hopeing that it snows here in Oregon, but i'm not sure...
    -Nathan Hitoshi Yamase
